Avon BTO

Monday, May 04, 2009


51 tetrads done, 84 to go, and just over three weeks for it. A lot of people went out over the bank holiday, and there were some nice results- Cuckoos, Sedge and Garden Warblers, and Canada Geese goslings.
Rookeries are now pretty well concealed by leaves, but if there is one in your tetrad please make an estimate. A lot were missed last year. Some young rooks are already out on the branches- so that is FL for the breeding status. Ravens are just fledging too- they are far more elusive. Starlings are feeding young- and always make a beeline for the nest.
Keep working on the breeding status of the less common species- and put in Roving Records for any species anywhere if it helps to bring the status up a notch.
Richard Bland


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