Avon BTO

Saturday, March 01, 2008

Winter ends, roll on Summer

I expect you will have seen the neat colours on the Latest Results, Avon, map, showing those tetrads that have only had one visit in the winter, those that are not booked for both winter and summer, and those that have just ahd a second visit. If you have not yer put your records in on line, please do so promptly. If you were unable to do a second visit the tetrad should be redone next winter with two visits.
The Challenge of the breeding season is a month away- and it is not too early either to book additional tetrads either to start next winter and the following summer, or to start this summer and be completed next winter.
The aim of the breeding season survey, apart form tetrad surveys and a species list for each 10km square, is to get the Proved Breeding evidence for every breeding species in every 10k square- and this will not be easy.
Good Luck


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